Welcome to our farm! We raise two different heritage breed pigs: Kunekunes and Gloucestershire Old Spots. We chose both of these breeds for their docile nature, their ability to graze and forage and high quality meat. We offer whole and half hogs when available, along with traditional cuts, brats, and sausage. Check out the 'For Sale' tab for pork availability and available piglets and adults. Feel free to contact us to get on our piglet waiting list or if you have more questions. You can follow us on Facebook for daily updates on our pigs and litters being born! Check out our 'shop' section to see our variety of handcrafted soaps, salves and lip balms made with lard from our pasture raised pigs. You can also find a link there for more farm merchandise. Our farm is also home to a small herd of cattle, ducks, Rex rabbits and rescue dogs and cats!